Vigil Antislip: Deck Light – Vigil Luminiscent Anti-slip

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In a natural disaster, terrorist attack or accident such as a high rise fire, speed of evacuation is crucial to survival. – Lost footing or disorientation due to reduced visibility can block exits and increase casualties.


Deck Light (Vigil Luminiscent Anti-slip) gives escaping people clear pathways at ground level – where it is needed – to follow in smoke-filled or darkened passageways, hallways and stairways. Deck Light is available in the same standard sizes and dimensions as Vigil Antislip Stairnosings, Metal Deck and Vinyl Deck ranges. This in commercial, industrial and offshore grades.

Ideal for interior or exterior use. Available in a range of colours and quickly, easily and permanently installed. All with a 10 year warranty.

For more information please contact Haagh Protection. ( Via or tel. +31 (0)161-226 559.

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